Nutrition and immune function

Nutrition and immune function [electronic resource] Edited by P. C. Calder, C. J. Field, H. S. Gill. - 1 - WallingfordUK CABI Publishing 2002 - 426pp.; - Frontiers in Nutritional Science . - Frontiers in Nutritional Science .

This book provides a review of the roles of specific nutrients in maintaining the immune response and host protection against infection. It also considers the influence of various factors, such as exercise and ageing, on the interaction between nutrition and immune function. The main emphasis is on humans, but comparative mammalian data are also presented.The contents include methods for studying nutrient-immune function interactions, the impact of undernutrition on immune function and infection, the influences of fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidant vitamins, and various minerals on immunity, immunological effects of changes throughout the life cycle, and public health policy implications.


10.1079/9780851995830.0000 doi

infections human diseases immune response amino acids antioxidants nutrition food hypersensitivity immune system immunity communicable diseases vertebrates Chordata man Hominidae aging nutrients food allergies ageing mammals animals eukaryotes undernutrition vitamins methods Homo infectious diseases health policy minerals exercise fatty acids primates methodology probiotics public health immunity reactions immunological reactions immunology
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