Insect movement: mechanisms and consequences. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society's 20th Symposium, London, UK, September 1999

Insect movement: mechanisms and consequences. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society's 20th Symposium, London, UK, September 1999 [electronic resource] Edited by I. P. Woiwood, D. R. Reynolds, C. D. Thomas. - 1 - WallingfordUK CABI Publishing 2001 - 458pp.; - Royal Entomological Society . - Royal Entomological Society .

Knowledge of insect movement, particularly of flight, is crucial to our understanding of the great ecological and evolutionary success of insects. The last 20 years have seen many advances in this subject area. New fields have arisen, such as metapopulation theory, and dramatic developments have taken place in methods of studying movement, as a result of new techniques in molecular biology and radar monitoring. There have also been advances in our knowledge of flight-related physiology and behaviour. This book, which is based on the main papers presented at the Royal Entomological Society's 20th Symposium held in September 1999, brings us up to date with these developments.It contains chapters on:- flight mechanisms- foraging movements- migration- the evolution of movement strategies- the interactions between dispersal rates, population structure and gene flow - the effects of climate change on geographical distributionIt is essential reading for entomologists, and of interest to those researching animal behaviour, physiology, ecology and genetics.


10.1079/9780851994567.0000 doi

flight migration climatic change animal behavior invertebrates population structure climate change eukaryotes gene flow evolution locomotion insects animals animal behaviour arthropods behaviour foraging movement behavior geographical distribution reviews Hexapoda dispersal animal physiology
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