Impact of science on African agriculture and food security

Impact of science on African agriculture and food security [electronic resource] Edited by P. Anandajayasekeram, M. Rukuni, S. Babu, F. Liebenberg, C. L. Keswani. - 1 - WallingfordUK CABI 2007 - 310pp.; - CABI Books . - CABI Books .

The need for agricultural research resources in the developing world cannot be underestimated, but the availability of such resources is often poor due to lack of funding and investment. In order for Africa and other such developing countries to achieve productivity in agriculture - vital to food security, poverty reduction and sustainable management of natural resources - investment and policy development needs to be assessed. This book, a joint effort from IFPRI, ILRI and the Kellogg Foundation, explores the importance of impact assessment studies in Africa, and assembles important evidence to pave the way for further, much needed investment in agricultural research all over the developing world.


10.1079/9781845932671.0000 doi

agricultural research East Africa Developing Countries Commonwealth of Nations returns cash crops agriculture domestic animals technology adoption of innovations agricultural economics Southern Africa Africa food crops income livestock socioeconomic aspects South Africa Africa South of Sahara agricultural situation crops environmental impact economic impact technology transfer subsaharan Africa capital outlay agricultural development agricultural policy food security small farms environmental effects Anglophone Africa agricultural production investment research methodology studies Threshold Countries innovation adoption floriculture socioeconomics methods
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