Nitrogen fixation: global perspectives. Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 2-7 July 2001

Nitrogen fixation: global perspectives. Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 2-7 July 2001 [electronic resource] Edited by T. M. Finan, M. R. O'Brian, D. B. Layzell, J. K. Vassey, W. Newton. - Wallingford UK CABI Publishing 2002 - 553pp.; - CABI Books . - CABI Books .

Whilst the actual reduction of nitrogen gas (dinitrogen) to ammonia would appear to be a well defined process, many research questions concerning nitrogen fixation remain and continue to be addressed by diverse groups of scientists. This book presents the proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, held in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, in July 2001. With very broad participation and a wide range of topics, it covers the most recent findings. In fifteen sections the main topics discussed include; bacterial genomics, plant genomics, development biology, signals in the soil, nodule metabolism and applied aspects of nitrogen fixation.


10.1079/9780851995915.0000 doi

plants woody plants nitrogen cycle signal transduction nitrification root nodules nitrogen fixing genes inorganic nitrogen trees root nodulation genomes nodulation genome analysis nitrogenase bacterium prokaryotes Bacteria eukaryotes nitrogen fixing bacteria nitrogen fixation soil enzymes nitrogen-fixing trees nitrogen-fixing bacteria denitrification nitrogen fixing trees
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