The ecosystem approach to fisheries

The ecosystem approach to fisheries [electronic resource] Edited by G. Bianchi, H. R. Skjoldal. - 1 - WallingfordUK CABI 2008 - 354pp.; - CABI Books . - CABI Books .

The ecosystem approach to fisheries management is high on national, regional and international agendas for sustainable fisheries management. Implementing the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries covers both theoretical and applied aspects, with a particular emphasis on practical experiences in the form of case studies from around the world, and tools for solutions. Researchers, practitioners and policy makers in fisheries, aquaculture, marine biology and ecology will find this book an invaluable overview and guide to fisheries management.


10.1079/9781845934149.0000 doi

fishery resources Food and Agriculture Organization Victoria Scandinavia fishery management APEC countries resource management marine ecology Europe Commonwealth of Nations eutrophication Norway fisheries OECD Countries Nordic Countries FAO fishery policy Iceland cost benefit analysis lakes Northern Europe Developed Countries Australia Australasia Oceania ecosystems
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